
Invisalign Open Day

Many people suffer from crooked or overlapping teeth and often this is out of their control and/or has occurred genetically.
Braces are the answer, or at least have been the only solution on offer…until recently.

Welcome Invisalign…

A new innovative way to straighten your teeth, a brace that is replacing traditional metal as a more subtle way of improving the position of ones teeth.  Made up from thermoplastic material, which is almost invisible, these custom-made aligners are specially created and moulded from your personalised treatment plan to ensure they fit you and your mouth.

The aligners are placed onto the teeth and will cause the teeth to gradually shift from their current position, so that patients can start to see changes within 2 weeks of wearing them.

Aligners are changed periodically to continue the teeth straightening process and dependent upon the severity, can be worn for a short time with dramatic, long lasting results.

What makes Invisalign different to traditional braces?

Aligners are nearly clear, making them discrete and less noticeable.
Invisalign aligners are removable unlike traditional wire braces, which makes them feel less restrictive. It is advised you remove whilst eating and drinking, and means you are not permitted to restrict any food or drinks that perhaps might be stuck in the fixed wires.
Most effective when worn 20+ hours per day, with results anywhere between two months and two years. We ask you to return for regular check-ups with our oral dentist to ensure treatment is progressing as planned.

How painful are Invisalign?

Pressure, but not pain. In time you will get used to the pressure, you feel when the teeth are moving and there is no rubbing of wires against the gums.

How much does it cost?

The typical price of Invisalign braces is usually a bit higher than regular braces; however, this is due to the bespoke personalised fitting – created just for you.

Our principal dental surgeon Dr Joanna Boland can give you a better estimate of the price during your consultation.
To find out more about Invisalign join us on Thursday 28th November for our Invisalign open day.

☎️ Call us on 0207 272 6818 to book your free teeth straightening consultation, or click online here.